August 9, 2011

Madison County

In high school I watched The Bridges of Madison County for English class. The teacher had assigned this super cool and awesomely brilliant writing assignment (insert sarcasm). We were supposed to read a book, watch the corresponding movie, and then write a paper over their similarities and differences. Easy, right? That thing was hard! I'm pretty sure I got a C with a lot of nasty red ink comments in the margins. Ugh...

What in the world was I thinking when I picked The Bridges of Madison County? That my mom had just read the book which meant easy access and the movie was on the shelf at the rental store. I don't really remember much about the book or the movie other than watching Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood in the bathtub together being way too gross for my teenage mind. But what I remember the most are the covered bridges. I've been fascinated by them ever since.

Any time I see a sign for a covered bridge I get really excited, and guess what? I saw one when I was in New York last week!

Mom and I were driving back to Albany from the Inn in Vermont when we came across this fabulous covered bridge. There were signs posted all over the place that said not to park and loiter, but I'm pretty sure they were written in French so I totally didn't understand any of them. ;-)

This may not have been Madison County, but it was still beautiful.

Of course, this view out the car window once we pulled through to the other side didn't hurt... (well, minus the power lines...)

Thank you, Meryl and Clint and your yucky bathtub scene, for turning me on to covered bridges. They are all unique works of art.

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