October 30, 2012

The Day the iPhone Died

Sunday morning I very gently placed my iPhone on a side table where side table equals inside a full glass of water.

I have now been iPhoneless for 3 days. Do you even know what that does to a person?

Not only am I now using a flip phone circa 2000, I no longer have the world at my fingertips.

What’s a girl to do when she can’t check Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Email, all those “is there an app for that?” apps?!

She goes off grid…ish. That’s what. And maybe goes a little crazy at the same time.

So I’m writing on my blog. So I’m using a laptop connected to wifi to post my blog. So I have access to my email, Facebook, and Twitter on that laptop. Who cares? It’s not the same, I tell you!

Who seriously uses their personal computers anymore? Anyone? Because I don’t. The only time I turn mine on is to upload photos or write a blog post. I literally do every last little thing on my phone.

If I want to know who a certain celebrity from a show is I use my IMDB app. If I want to take a quick photo I use Instagram. If I want to post something snarky I hop on Twitter. If I want to know the answer to something really quick I Google it from Safari.

Seriously. What am I supposed to do with a stinkin’ flip phone circa 2000? How am I supposed to live?!

The fact that I even feel this way is quite disgusting. What happened to the days when I didn’t have a phone at all other than the rotary dial sitting on the telephone table next to my dad’s recliner? What happened to waiting in line to make a phone call because someone else in the family was using it? What happened to sitting down and reading a book or drawing a picture because being on the phone was the last thing from my mind?

I miss those days. Those days before I had some type of phone with me at all times. The days when just being in the moment was enough.

But at the same time I want my phone back. I NEED my phone back. I feel lost without it. My IMDB app is my life!

You know what else is disgusting? I feel like I’m no longer part of the iPhone Club. You know the one I’m talking about. The one that practically everyone you know is in because they too have iPhone’s so you’re never without a way to charge your beloved never has a fully charged battery connection to the world. Say you’re at Suzy Q’s house and your phone dies. No worries! She’s got a charger right there at the end of her kitchen counter! You’re golden!

Nobody has a charger for this unidentified circa 2000 flip phone. I’d bet money on it. I’m out of the club. Kicked to the curb. Sayonara loser.

I miss you iPhone. I hope we’ll be together again soon. Because you and me? We’re like orange sherbet and a waffle cone. We just make sense.

Oh, Instagram! I miss you so dang much!


  1. This post makes me laugh :) I HAVE A FLIP PHONE. It's the best. Yes, I am a grandma. #noshame
    Best of luck to you. Hopefully you and Instagram can be reunited soon!

    1. I had that flip phone for a whole week! It was rough. Haha! Especially since I instagram on a daily basis. :)
