December 17, 2010

These are My People

Apr 21, 2009

Yes, people, I'm at work and therefore should be working and not blogging, but what can I say? I'm a rebel!

I've recently come to realize the old lady who wouldn't die from a recent episode of Grey's Anatomy made a good point when she said "people are better than no people." We can surround ourselves with people or we can be the loner, but at the end of the day when all is calm and quiet don't you want to know there is someone waiting on your call? Don't you want to know there is someone wishing you were there to make them laugh or smile? I can honestly say that 99.9% of the time I am 100% happy being me and who I am, but when darkness falls and the lights go out I start to wonder...will I always eat alone, read alone, relax alone, sleep alone, do everything alone? So, I ask myself, should I gather up people to surround myself with because people are better than no people? The answer, for me anyway, is no. I feel quality means so much more than quantity, and what I lack in numbers I gain in character. Because I feel this way, I've had to make some hard choices over the years to let people go. I never forget them, but they are no longer a part of my everyday living. Sometimes, I am just better off physically and mentally if I walk away from someone who is hurting me even though I may not want to. At the end of the day, I have to do what is best for me, and all I can hope for is that I made a difference in that persons life.

I don't ask for much, but I do ask that I receive the same caring and consideration from "my people" that I give them. I take the feelings of all "my people" to heart and therefore, even though I do believe people are better than no people, for my own sanity, I must add restrictions when the phrase pertains to my life and who I choose to surround myself with. That being all "my people," I love you dearly and I thank you for making my life what it is.

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