Welcome to the world as seen through my eyes. Sometimes it's a scary, scary place, but it's always interesting!
Most of my images this week are from my trip to the mall. It was rather enlightening.
Umbrella art and a super pricey plastic purse.
I thought the umbrellas were cute and I really want to stand under them and sing, "...you can stand under my um-brella, ella, ella, ay, ay, ay, under my um-brella ella, ella, ay, ay, ay..." But, alas, I did not.
What is up with this plastic purse? I think I had something like it when I was a kid, and I'm sure it didn't cost $195! I just don't get it...it's plastic...
Ah, the men's department at Dillard's. Always a fun place. And by fun, I mean weird.
That headless mannequin is so dapper with his bow tie!
I felt really bad for the headless mannequin with his pants pulled up to his pits. The poor guy doesn't look at all comfortable.
Hot pink shoes! I can't wait to see a guy rockin' out in these babies.
I'm not sure what's going on with that plaid shirt, but I hope the boys don't have to wear it all bunched up under their arms like that.
This poor girl! She's definitely been around the mannequin block a time or two thousand. Someone should really take her to see a dermatologist or give her a paint job or throw her in the dumpster. Put the poor girl out of her misery!
And now, last, but not least, my favorite, albeit crappiest quality picture from last week!
How stinkin' cute are these two?! Out on a date to the movies! My mom and I about died, they were so adorable!
I think I need to work on my stealth photography, though. Ha!
I love your stealth photography! At first I couldn't tell they were at the movies, but knowing it makes them even cutier! I wonder what movie they saw?